264 Donwood Dr.
Winnipeg, MB
R2G 0W5
(204) 669-0501

Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Parish

Holy Redeemer Religious Education Program

Registration for the Kindergarten - Grade 6 Catechism program, as well as for Sacramental Preparation classes will take place on Thursday, June 20th, from 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Registration forms can be found in the gathering space to the left of the catechism office for those who would like to fill the forms out ahead of time.

Our K-6 Catechism program consists of weekly classes held on Thursday evenings. Children's Choir practice begins at 6:30 and Catechism Class takes place from 7:00–8:00 p.m.

Catechism classes are finished for the 2023-2024 school year. Classes will start again in September or October 2024. Have a great summer!

Mission Statement:

With the support and cooperation of the parents, family and parish community, Holy Redeemer Parish Religious Education Program is dedicated to preparing our young people 'to know, love and serve God', by providing knowledge of God and understanding of our faith through teaching, witness and service. We are committed to the teachings, traditions and values of the Roman Catholic faith.

About our Program

Our Catechism program consists of weekly classes held on Thursday evenings. Children's Choir practice will start at 6:30 - 7:00 and Catechism Class from 7:00 – 8:00 pm.  We encourage all family members to be involved.  Parents are the first teachers of their children’s faith.  Our goal is for our families to grow and share their faith with each other and to have strong domestic churches within our parish.

Classrooms are in the lower level of the church.  A wheelchair life is available if necessary.

Policy & Forms

See our Registration Information & Policy:

Program Policies & Registration:

Catechism classes are offered for Grade One through Six. Annual registration is required. Registration forms are available for download here (click on the appropriate links):

Registration fees

  • Catechism Classes Grade 1 through Grade 6:
    1 Child - $75, 2 Children in Family - $140, 3+ Children in Family - $200
  • Preparation for First Reconciliation Program fee: $45 (no charge if child is registered for Catechism at Holy Redeemer)
  • Preparation for First Holy Eucharist Program fee: $45 (no charge if child is registered for Catechism at Holy Redeemer)
  • Preparation for Confirmation Program fee: $75


Preparation to receive a Sacrament is a separate program held in addition to the regular Catechism Program. Children will be eligible to enroll in Sacramental preparation only after completing one full year in the Catechism Program at Holy Redeemer (or elsewhere as validated). A copy of the child's Baptismal certificate is required.

The revised Diocesan Policy recommends that children celebrate only one Sacrament per year, and stipulates that parents/guardians of the child who will be celebrating a Sacrament must also receive catechesis relevant to that Sacrament. The Diocese recommends that parents (guardians) attend a set of six adult catechesis sessions for each Sacrament. The sessions do not have to be repeated for a second child celebrating the same Sacrament. Sacramental catechesis for parents (guardians) and children will be held concurrently, but in separate areas.

Therefore, the Sacrament of First Reconciliation will usually be celebrated in Grade 2. Catechesis for the Sacrament will begin in late Fall, with First Confession usually in the Advent Season at a special celebration. The child must also complete a workbook with family participation.

The Sacrament of First Holy Eucharist will usually be celebrated in Grade 3 (First Reconciliation must be celebrated prior). Catechesis for the Sacrament will begin in January, with First Holy Communion in the Easter Season at Sunday Mass. The family will be requested to attend a Rite of Enrollment ceremony at a designated Sunday Mass, and the child must complete a workbook with family participation and also attend a retreat.

The Sacrament of Confirmation will usually be celebrated the year after completing Grade 1 to 6 of the Catechism program. Candidates must have made their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion prior. Catechesis will begin in the late Fall with Confirmation in May/June (often at a special weekday evening Mass).

Confirmation Candidates are required:

  • to attend a Rite of Enrollment ceremony and sign a commitment promise;
  • to choose a sponsor (not their parent) who is a practicing Catholic as validated by their pastor;
  • to attend the scheduled Confirmation sessions;
  • to perform service work and to participate in a Diocesan Confirmation Retreat;
  • to have a class visit with, and write a letter to the Bishop;
  • to meet with the pastor of Holy Redeemer to determine readiness;
  • and finally to participate in a special (mystagogy) gathering after being confirmed.

For more information, or questions, don't hesitate to contact the parish office at 669-0501.

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