264 Donwood Dr.
Winnipeg, MB
R2G 0W5
(204) 669-0501

Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Parish

January 9, 2022  The Baptism of the Lord  Luke 3:15-16, 21-22

Today we hear how Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan.  This was part of God’s plan.  The story reminds us of our own baptism, when God’s spirit became a living spring in each one of us.

Prayer: In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Dear Jesus, accept our sign of the cross as our prayer to you. It reminds us that through our baptism we belong to you, and are children of God.  Let all who are baptized walk in the light of Christ. Amen.

Activity:  Talk about your baptism with your family. Look at all the pictures of your baptism if you still have your baptismal candle, have your mom or dad light it at meal time.   

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